What a Terrible Night To Have A Curse
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What a Terrible Night To Have A Curse

In the world we know we are fascinated by the supernatural despite our desire not to believe in it. What if I told you all of it were true?
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 CV: The Dark Crusades.

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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptyMon Jul 03, 2017 12:00 am

Her heart began to pound loudly against her chest as her blood began to race in her veins; the young bride's cerulean gems grew as she steps back from the crimson haired Lord. Her abductor, his gloved hand reached out and cupped her cheek. She shudders at his caress as her brows knitted together. "W-Why have you kidnapped me?! Please, let me leave! I have to return to my Leon! It's our wedding day! she exhales trying to plead with the vampire; she refused to allow herself to fall to this man's charms like she did a few months ago. He had haunted her minds in way no man should; especially a man who wasn't her husband. Her dreams of Walter were inappropriate and she felt disgust that she had even had such dreams. She steps away from Walter again; she then tries to side step around the vampire to reach the door. His arm laced around her waist swiftly as a gloved hand laced itself with her gentle hand; he spun her outward as if he were leading a waltz with her.

Sara found herself falling back upon the bed's soft comforters; her gaze swept back up as she took in Walter's looming form as she places a hand over her chest. That look in his eye; she had seen that look in a man before. It was the same at the tavern with the drunkard; it was a look of desire. It was a look of lust; an intent of claiming her for his own glimmered in his garnets and she felt fear fill upon her chest. "Please, do not do this.... Let me go home....." she pleads as she instinctively scoots back from Walter moving further onto the bed in her attempt to escape him.' L-Leon.... I'm so sorry..... Please, please know I love you..... And that I want to return to you.... I will find a way back to you.... Some way... Some how.... I just pray you'll..... still have me....' she thinks to herself as she had a sinking feeling there was no way she'd escape Walter's advances on this night.


Feliks rode alongside Leon towards the forest of eternal night; he hoped they weren't too late for Lady Sara's sake. He prayed the lord that they would reach her in time; he knew what it was like to lose someone you love to that of a vampire. Cezarian had robbed him of his sisters and the silver haired one violated and killed his younger brother. Both left him without siblings and he was still hellbent on his revenge on them.

A servant enters the study chambers of Lord Xander Rowe; he was a grand boyar and high ranking lord.
He was a childhood friend of Vasilisa's; many nobles and folk had always thought he and Vasilisa would have made the perfect king and queen. They always would gossip the rumor that Lord Rowe was Vasilisa's lover and that he had been the one who had killed Stefan so they could continue their affair; they also thought him the father of Mathias.Her father had shocked the very region when he had chosen a mere knight to be her husband over the son of a family friend; an ally. Even Vasilisa and Xander himself. The servant clears his throat as he looks upon his lord. "The queen has fallen gravely ill Milord. They say she has fallen into an a coma; a slumber they think she will not wake from. With the prince also in his deathbed. The church reaches out to you; they hope you will take on temporary rule until they know if the queen will wake."
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptyMon Jul 03, 2017 2:34 pm

Leon looked at the forest in silence. Sara was just up ahead. Within the Forest of Eternal Night was where that monster dwell. The monster that stole his beloved Sara away. He knew the more time he had waited, the more danger his Sara would be in. Despite the horses initial resistance upon entering the woods, the men were able to coax them in slowly.

After a short bit of riding later, the horses reared up as a low toned snarling rang out around the perimeter. Leon instinctively reached down to his side, and cursed silently as he remembered he had to give up his church granted sword when he had to drop his title against the church's wishes. He pulled himself from his horse and grabbed onto the reins in one hand and raised his gauntlet clad hand up to protect his horse from the oncoming onslaught.

Through the shadow of the trees crawled forth large wolf like creatures with hunched backs and human like front paws with massive claws with 5 fingers. What were these creatures? They were unlike the wolves that he and Feliks had combated previously. The snarling beasts neared the pair and their horses. "Huuunnnntteeerrrssss" The words came from from the jaw filled muzzles of the beast. "Feliks! Toss me your sword! We must fight these demons if we hope to get to Sara in one piece!" he shouts over to his companion.

He didn't want to have waste valuable time fighting these creatures when his beloved wife-to-be was only a short trip ahead of him.

'Sara, My love... Please just hold on a little longer... I'll be there by your side soon enough...'


Crimson eyes opened into the darkness around the damp room he was imprisoned in. The monster of his sire had brought another woman back for his game. Another time would come now of human blood wafting through the creaks and creaks of the castle, growing every more hungry and angry hoping that whatever poor fool Walter wanted to see crawling through the halls searching for their beloved would reach the silver haired vampire so that he could finally feed again. It had felt like it was decades since he had last fed. But he knew it could have only been that long since Walter had stolen that forest alchemist's daughter who had left out of the castle as a vampire and killed her mother. Unfortunately for the hungry vampire, Rinaldo Gandolfi had not reached him before facing against Walter when the Vampire had gotten bored waiting for the vengeful alchemist. It must've been not too long after that when the imprisoned vampire had his last meal.

And the captive vampire, Joachim Armster, was starving.
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptyFri Jul 07, 2017 8:22 pm

The dark brunette lays pinned beneath the red haired male; his fangs sent shivers down her spine as he grazes her neck gently as his one hand wanders her form. She closes her eyes naturally as she releases a soft whimper. "I apologize to you Lord Walter; but I cannot do such a thing my heart belongs to Leon.... I appreciate your adoration, and my father he was wiling to grant a union between us on the sole case of if my Leon fell in the crusades. she gasps out quickly; she felt fear coursing through her veins and she struggled against his strong hold. Another gasp escapes her lips as a new sensation began to rise within in her. It was a familiar feeling; feelings her body had felt when she was having those dreams about Walter months ago before he disappeared. Sara's eyes fluttered back open as she looks into Walter's eyes; he wasn't human and she knew that now. She felt foolish for not realizing that he hadn't been human to be with.

His words about Leon being on his way reassured her in someway; if she could survive until Leon could rescue her. Then all would be well; but she felt a fear within her. Walter; he was a vampire. If he bit her;
would she lose her humanity and become a monster? The thought was daunting and horrifying "Please.....  Walter, do not do this.... Release me, return me to Leon..." she begs Walter hoping she could dissuade him from doing such a cruel act to her.


Feliks tosses his blade over to Leon as he twirls his spear; he began to strike down the lycan creatures.
"Leon. These are known as werewolves; if I recall they're weak to Silver!" He calls as he impales one of the werewolves in the chest. His eyes twisted back to Leon for a moment with a frown coming to his lips. "Leon! Go on ahead! I'll catch up with you! You must get to Sara; I do not want you to suffer like I have!
You must save Sara!"


The servant nods to Lord Xander's words with a frown coming to their lips. "From our understanding; the church does not wish to give Vasilisa's adopted son Aleksander claim to the throne if possible. They see him as a last resort; there's also been word that young Baron Belmont has given up his title he's gone to the forest of eternal night to save his betrothed from a vampire." He adds remaining straight in posture;
his gaze shifts about for a moment clearing his throat slightly.

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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptyTue Jul 11, 2017 5:35 pm

Leon caught the sword and slashed the head off of another werewolf. Feliks’ words caused a slight bit of worry to arise in the former Baron. Was he really thinking of taking these monsters down by himself? He noted how the creatures had no thumbs and frowned. If something happened to his spear, Feliks would be left defenseless and dying would be inevitable. After flipping over another werewolf, he dug the sword’s blade into the ground, “Feliks!” he called out, ”If something happens to your lance, your sword will be here!”. Without waiting to hear his friend’s refusal, he quickened his pace heading up the pass. He knew he would regret leaving the blade behind, but he would feel better knowing that Feliks would have a secondary weapon to defend himself with.

A weird sensation befell him and he slowed to a stop. It felt as though he had just walked through a sort of dredging substance that shook at his very core.

”What… What was that…?”
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptySat Jul 15, 2017 7:57 pm

His kiss was entrancing as her eyes stared into his; she nodded silently at his words losing her will against the vampire. His caresses were starting make her feel at ease; and that familiar burning he caused to her within her dreams month was growing ever stronger. "I-I remember.... but.... those were, dreams and... nothing more." she exhales softly as his hands wander her figure; his lips tracing her jawline and neck. The connecting of their lips once more; every touch and wave of new sensation brought out a side of her she didn't want. A side of her that was intrigued and wanting his touch and embrace to consume her. "W-Walter.... She breathes his name out ceasing all resistance.

The servant nodded to his master's words before departing from the room entirely; a chuckle escaped the pale lips of another as they leaned against the wall of Lord Rowe's chamber. "My, my you're a handsome one. What should I call you, your majesty now? Heh, what a humorous concept. You may be handsome; and you're not my type. But supposedly you'll make a fine addition?" hums a voice behind the soon to be crowned king; crimson hues twist over to the young man with a gleam in the vampire's eyes. Seraph offers him a fanged grin.


Feliks curses slightly watching the blonde leave behind the sword; and entering the eternal forest. He swung his spear at one of the werewolves. He sighs as he impaled another wolf in the chest. He knew he had to catch up with Leon; for Leon and the girl's safety. He knew what they were dealing with; at least remotely.

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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptyFri Jul 21, 2017 10:41 am

Leon let out a slight shudder as he turned to look at his friend, “How are you… Doing this? Isn’t this some sort of… Magic?” He said with a slight frown coming to his face. He didn’t want to believe his dearest friend was proficient in the ways of witches and heretics. Especially since they fought together to destroy those things sanctioned by the church as evil. Shouldn’t he be focusing his energies on getting better? So that when Leon returned with his bride, Mathias could stand at Leon’s side as his best man. The only reason it hadn’t be so previously was the illness that his friend had taken on. ”Should you not be focused on your recovery, Mathias? I appreciate the effort, but I’d much prefer you to be alive than using whatever energies you are to be here. Feliks, I’m sure, will be catching up momentarily, and Every second I stop to rest or talk, is another second Sara is trapped with that infernal Demon.” he said briskly. He greatly appreciated Mathias’ effort, but again, he wished for his friend’s better health when he returned home.
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptyMon Jul 24, 2017 10:58 pm

With the ecstasy rising within in her veins from the charms; she arched her back slightly into his arms. Her brows knitted together hearing his words, they made her heart tighten. The dreams she had of Walter; they had only started off as dreams but then he had begun taking advantage of her. Bringing sensations and feelings she had never felt before; Sara had become his prey much longer than she had expected. His seduction of her in her dreams; how long had he been charming her and leading her into belief she had been falling for another. She felt her dress be slipped off of her form; his claws gripping at her hips.
Sara closes her eyes as she began to picture another to help her in this situation. She began to picture her beloved Leon; she hadn't the strength to fight against a vampire and with his charms working against her.


The vampire began to chuckle as he pushed himself off of the wall; with swift movement he vanishes from Rowe's view. Reappearing behind Rowe, Seraph places his hand around Rowe's neck leaning in. "You're an amusing man. But you're strong; and apparently Aaron says you will do nicely among our kind." He purrs into his ear as he began to elongate his fangs. "Hope you're prepared for an eternal life."
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptyTue Jul 25, 2017 11:42 am

Leon looked at his friend warily as he followed after his friend, ”So you’re not overexerting yourself at least? When I return and you’re recovered, you’ll explain to me what this… Magic is... “ he says with a slight wariness. He wasn’t too fond of the idea of his best friend skilled in any sort of magic. But right now, his first priority was his beloved Sara. To save her. ”Mathias, my friend. What did your books say about vampires? I’m afraid I’ve never fought one before… At least successfully.” he said quietly. He didn’t know what to do, but he knew he had to try.
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptySun Jul 30, 2017 4:31 pm

Those cerulean orbs fluttered open upon request even if she wished she hadn't; it was instinct her heart was racing against her chest as she found her body feeling things she did not wish upon. She stared into his crimson orbs; she could feel him at her entrance it made her hips buckle slightly with mild fear. Any words she would even want to breath; they were locked in her throat all she released was a shuddered breath. She wanted to go home; she wanted her beloved Leon. But this bewitching attraction to the dark lord in front of her now; it made her desire him the way she had in her dreams. "W-Walter...."

Clawed fingers twined around the blade as crimson orbs studied the sword for a moment before sweeping over to look upon the lord; the soon to be temporary king of the region. An amused yet dark chuckle parted from the silver haired male's lips. Aaron had informed him that this man; was strong enough to survive his bite. Seraph was the oldest of the ancient vampires followed by his brother Cezarian and succeeded with Walter. Seraph often took it easy upon others; never truly revealed just how truly powerful he was. Seraph's hold on the blade began to tighten. The blade began to burn slowly melting in his hold. "Oh what a humorous mortal you are." He sneers as twirls forward his knee coming towards his chest before extending out kicking the lord so hard he sends him into the cobblestone wall.

He releases a sadistic as red aura began to mystify as he stepped towards the lord; with a hand strong vampiric hold he pinned Xander against the wall. "You are joining the world of the night, whether you like it or not." he purrs his fangs elongating with his free hand he tore at the collar of Xander's robe. His fangs pierced his Xander's throat sinking deep into his throat; succulent blood trickled from the puncture wounds seeping into Seraph's lips. It was delicious; and Seraph could taste the strength the man possessed. Sliding his other hand around the man's waist he gripped Xander; closing his eyes he began to feast upon the man before injecting his venom into the other's system.
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptySun Jul 30, 2017 6:18 pm

Leon frowned at Mathias’ words. Sunlight. He hadn’t seen any trace of sunlight in this forest. And he left any weapon with Feliks when they had separated. A part of him had just hoped partly to be able to find Sara and flee with her. But he knew that simply doing that would probably not ease them of the problems this monster would cause. No. He would have to defeat Walter and rescue his Sara and defeat this terrible demon. ”And where could I come across those things? I sincerely doubt a vampire would have their main weaknesses just so haphazardly splayed around their keep.” He says with a slight sigh. He needed to save Sara. And he would do whatever it took to save her. But the weapons and methods Mathias spoke of seemed to be a bit further out of his reach than he would like to admit.
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptySun Jul 30, 2017 7:01 pm

In the distance of Leon and Mathias at the entrance of Walter's castle; a young woman stood with her fingers curled into fists. Green hues raged with raw emotions; the tears she had wept were long since dried up. Only anger and the desire for vengeance flowed through her veins. Her beloved, he had been killed by this damned creature of the night. Her short auburn locks were layered with a feathered flair in the back; upon her back was her family's prized weapon. The holy bow gun, in her quiver were silver arrows ready to pierce her enemies. She would avenge her beloved; she began to walk over the drawbridge before pausing. She sensed something in the distance; rather someone with a unique yet distinct energy. Was it another hunter perhaps? Shaking her head she returns to focus before entering the castle; to begin her search for the vampire lord Walter.

Panting heavily the young Lecarde rose to his feet once more; he sheathed his sword that Leon had left behind. Climbing onto his horse once more he forced the horse to tread further into the forest; he had to reach Leon and aid him in saving his beloved Sara. He had made a promise to Leon, he had to help. Even if it costed him his life.

Bruno's gaze twisted over to Aaron who sat only a few feet away; his eyes wandered the slightly darker vampire with a mild lust. He clears his throat before averting his gaze; the young vampire had surely peeked his interests in many ways. He could feel his pants tightening as his member hardened causing a slight bulge to rise. He coughed into his hand as he placed his other hand over his pants. "Aaron, is it true that most of your premonitions come true?" he inquires curiously with a brow lifting slightly as he turns to look upon the other vampire. He wanted to do things to the other vampire. No, with. He had many desires for males; mainly for Mathias and Aleksander but things he never acted upon. Things he dreamed about.


Miriam approached the young alchemist with a deep frown pursed to her lips; with their queen now in an slumber she may never wake from and Mathias on his deathbed she could only wonder what would occur next. Gently she places her hand upon Aleksander's one shoulder before kissing his cheek gently, she slides her arms over his shoulders and embraced him as she places her head upon his shoulder to rest upon him. "Aleksander, my love. If.... both of them fall, what will happen to us?" she inquires curiously; she worried for their future would Aleksander become heir to the Cronqvist name?
Would he become Lord of this household since he had been adopted by Vasilisa and in technically was a prince of the land? She knew the church probably wouldn't accept him as ruler to the land; but would they be allowed to remain in status or would the Cronqvist name fall? Would they be forced from their home?
She feared so much. She was used to having to do what you must for survival; but what of Aleksander?


Frost hues looked upon the fae that danced around her in excitement and eagerness; Vasilisa found herself smiling as she was guided towards her castle of her own creation. Vasilisa in her youth had created her own realm, a world she could escape to in darker and harsher times. Many times she had wanted to steal her son and bring him to her realm; but duty forced her to stay. What would have happened had she taken him to her realm? How would her life had been different? How would Mathias's life been different? Had she made a mistake in forcing them to stay in the human realm?
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptyFri Aug 04, 2017 12:21 pm

Aaron turned his attention to the taller man behind him when the slight cough rang in his ears. His eyes ran over the man for a moment, smirking slightly at the noticeable bulge in the other man’s pants before he rose to his feet and sauntered over to the larger man, “My, My… Where did you hear such a fantastical thing? Well, Wherever it was, I suppose is truly no matter. Are you the one from those foolish crusades? I tend to forget sometimes who my sires turn and who they leave for dead. I suppose that as well doesn’t matter…. In the simplest of explanations, Yes, my visions and premonitions DO come true. Never has any of them been wrong. Why do you ask such a thing? Do you wish for me to tell you of things I’ve seen?” He starts placing his hand on Bruno’s shoulder with a slight chuckle, “I’m afraid I don’t trust you quite enough for such… titillating information. Unless you were to give ME something in return, Crusader?” He finishes, pulling his hand from the man’s shoulder and turning, moving over to a tree and turning back to Bruno with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Aleksander ran his hand through his dark hair. He hadn’t found peaceful rest in days. Not since his adopted mother had fallen into a slumber she had yet to awaken from. Any sleep he had found was riddled with nightmares and night terrors. Ones he hadn’t had for many many years, He had almost jumped when Miriam had wrapped herself around him. Again he had been delving into Mathias’ alchemy lab desperate to try and find a cure for his adopted brother. Again he had delved to the deepest dredges of alchemy as he had when Elisabetha had passed. ”I... I don’t know…” he said quietly. The only reason either of them had a home was because of Lady Vasilisa and Mathias. If not for the two of them, both Miriam and Aleksander would have lived with nothing and possibly be dead years ago. But no. Aleksander would ensure that the Cronqvist name would remain prevalent in history. He just had no idea how…

Why couldn’t Mathias the one that was healthy, and Aleksander be the one dying?
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptyWed Aug 09, 2017 9:13 pm

The former crusader felt a brow rise slightly at the other vampire's inviting nature; he felt a smirk come to his lips as he slides a hand into his pocket. "I will not deny my curiosity; and I do wish to know what you've seen. Perhaps anything in regards to me? Or my friends Leon and Mathias." He exhales approaching the other; his eyes wandering over Aaron's form. He felt a smirk come to his lips as he reaches out gripping at Aaron's hips as he shoves him against the tree. His eyes meeting with his, a slight hunger coming to his lips as he took in Aaron's scent.

Miriam releases a sigh as she pulls herself slightly from Aleksander's form; she begins to rub and knead at his shoulders trying to relax the alchemist. The both of them were exhausted; both of them worrying desperately about their loved ones. Their world was shattering around them; the world that had been gifted to them. The one that led to their meeting; Miriam feared the worst but she wanted to ease the strains and stresses of her beloved Aleksander. "Aleksander, you must rest. We must rest. For their sake." She exhales to her beloved
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptyThu Aug 10, 2017 11:54 pm

Aaron smirked slightly at the large man, “That’s quite a lot of things to want to know about. Are you sure you’ll be able to convince me to share such things with you?” he says with a slight eyebrow raise. He let out a slight gasp when the man pinned him to the tree, maybe a short little tidbit, nothing too extreme yet… Enough to whet his appetite before the fun begins.

After all, Aaron had grown a bit too old years ago to still fall under Seraph’s preferences, and the younger vampire had grown used to for the first 20 years since he had been turned back in the early 1000’s of being used for such stimulation and this Bruno fueled his curiosity and imagination quite a bit. And a short bit of playfulness from the young vampire might earn himself a short time of affection.

“Your Leon Belmont will have many powerful descendants, who will dedicate their lives protecting Wallachia and the rest of the world.” He says as he runs his hands up Bruno’s muscular chest and drape his arms over the man’s shoulders, running his clawed fingers over Bruno’s shoulder blades. “I think that’s all that I owe you without any sort of...  payment. But whatever could such a newly turned Vampire offer for one who is technically his elder?” He says slightly and runs the tip of his right foot’s toes up and over Bruno’s left ankle. “What could you offer me, former holy knight?”
Aleksander rose to his feet and ran his hand through his increasingly greasy black hair. He hadn’t left the lab for days. Even accidentally ignoring his fiancee in his desperation to find a cure for the family who had loved and taught him. Miriam was right, as she had always been. He would often get caught up in his studies and work that he would forget to eat or sleep. It was something that he learned that he needed Miriam more than just being in love with her. She remembered to ensure he took care of himself.

Now, after days of toiling and working, even his skin had started to pale from lack of exposure to sunlight. She had come to collect him, understanding the necessity of tending to Vasilisa and Mathias, but also keep Aleksander from getting sick himself.

”Yes. Let’s go. A good night’s rest should help clear my head and prepare another day of study.” He said, letting out a slight yawn and placing his hand gently on Miriam’s forearm, ”Thank you, Miriam. I have no idea what I would do without you.”
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptyFri Aug 11, 2017 9:23 pm

Hazel orbs look upon the tanner of the two vampires, did this vampire really dare to speak to him in such a way? A slight hiss escaped his lips as he placed arm over Aaron's head against the tree. Hunger, desire it danced in the air and Bruno was no fool. This vampire, was he really daring to proposition him in exchange for the knowledge. Knowledge that circled around his dearest friends; friends who thought him dead. Bruno's left hand descends the other's waistline to the other's pants. He pulled down his fingers grazing his flesh. "How dare you even try to get something like that out of the likes of me. You're cruel, you claim superiority over me. But we are all equal in the end. We're all the same." He hisses as he leans in grazing his fangs against Aaron's neck.


A smile comes to Miriam's lips as she reaches up to caress Aleksander's cheek. "I love you Aleksander, please know that. I want to spend the rest of our days together." She exhales to him as she takes his other hand and leads him to their room where dinner was awaiting them. "I made us dinner, I told the servants to take the rest of the night off. I hope you like roasted chicken with herbs and potatoes." She exhales to him with a small smile coming to her lips. "Promise me, that no matter what happens that we'll stay together?"
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptySun Aug 13, 2017 1:14 pm

Aaron let out a slight laugh, “Oh, Domesçu. Welcome to the world of Vampires. You may be attractive, but bad news might ruin our little connection we’ve got going now. If you want to know for yourself, As far as I’ve seen for you, you will spend a bit of time loyal to practical royalty until the King’s undead heart shatters again.” he says. He let out a slight and quiet moan as the fangs of the larger vampire stroked lightly against the slightly darker skin of the Persian vampire. He had left out what would be considered the bad news. Of the fall of the Cronqvist family. Turning in pain and heartbreak to the life of blood… To fall once more in love and to turn against the world when the world tears away his cherished ones again. It almost made the non-beating heart of Aaron Sherad, only turned within the last 100 years, break a bit itself. Perhaps, despite being a blood-sucking creature of the night, he had a bit of romanticism somewhere deep down in his core.

As romantic as much as a young man who was turned fairly soon after he killed his father’s murderer.


Aleksander let out a small smile. Miriam cooked dinner. If things DID turn sour for them, at least he could count on her for food. If he could maybe learn to hunt in emergency. He sat down with the food and looked to her, “Oh Miriam, you are practically a saint. You are such incredible and utter perfection.” he said waiting for her to sit as well, ”And to answer your question, my love. Anywhere I go, I’ll have you besides me. If you’ll still have me for the rest of our lives even if we might have nowhere to call home.” The situation would bring ample nightmares tonight… Enough that perhaps he’d be much more willing to break the rules of their world’s social structure and ask for Miriam to sleep beside him tonight.
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptyFri Aug 25, 2017 8:30 pm

Bruno’s teeth continued to graze the other’s collarbone as his one hand tugged slightly at the other’s clothing attire; he pulls down the other’s pants further sliding them from his olive tan skin. The other’s lust was growing ever more prominent; Bruno snarls slightly as he turns Aaron around pressing him further against the tree. With a few adjustments, Bruno released his hardened shaft from its binds in his pants. He closes his eyes as his fangs continued to graze the other’s collarbone, he then pierced the flesh suckling on the blood that seeped from his wound. His member aligned itself with Aaron’s arse; pushing in between the walls he began to penetrate Aaron. Breaking through; he began to thrust deep into the elder vampire who caused a strong attraction and arousal in the other vampire. Bruno’s member slides deeply back and forth; swiftly he chose to remain. Fast and rough thrusts into the sunkissed vampire against the tree. Bruno’s left hand slides down the other’s waistline before gripping his hip; with his right hand he lifted up Aaron’s arm pressing it against the tree pinning the other gently to the tree.


The light blonde offered the raven haired a warm smile as she thumbed his face gently.“Even in the darkest of hours, I will remain with you my love.” She sighs to him kissing him on the lips. Only love could prevail, the love she had for him. That alone would help her get through the night; tomorrow would bring a new day. A day where she would pull herself up from the ground; she will take things by the reins. She would try to bring structure to this shattering household. Someone had to. If she didn’t do it, then who would? She had to rise to the occasion; she had to bring strength to this house. To Aleksander, Mathias and Lady Vasilisa. Miriam could feel it within her heart. “I am no saint my love. I am but a woman who loves her fiance and who adores her household.” She exhales to him ushering him to eat.


Are you alright milady? Has there been something troubling you?” His voice breathed as he walked alongside the ebony haired princess; he was a man with hazel eyes with layered sienna locks. He wore a knight’s garb and not just any knight’s, the uniform of a high ranking member of the brotherhood of light. He looked upon her with a small smile coming to his lips; he had always admired her from afar. From the moment he knelt down with his kinsman when her carriage passed him by; he had caught a brief glimpse of her beauty. Awestruck; her locks were as dark as the midnight sky. Her eyes reminded him of freshly fallen snow, no not snow that of a lake just frozen over. Her skin was like the rumored porcelain of the exotic beauties to the north. A small laugh escaped the crimson glossed lips as the young princess pulled her shawl tighter around her hourglass form. “Ah, no nothing is wrong Stefan. I just was lost in thought….” she exhales softly looking up at the sky as they walked through the garden.

She had retreated into her other realm; she had retreated into her memories clinging to happier times. The young princess purses her lips looking over to the knight with her frost hues. “Stefan, do you….” she begins to speak when he cups her face gently with the palm of his hand; she looks into his hazel hues as he looked upon her. “I love you….” He confesses to her; causing her heart to flutter slightly. “Princess Vasilisa, I think I have loved you since the first day I saw you. If you would have me; I would find it the greatest honor to have you for my wife. I think we could be beautiful, I think you would be happy with me. We could have a family….” He expresses to the young princess; a gasp escapes her lips hearing his confession. Her cheeks flushed a light rose color as she averts her gaze for a moment, was he sincere in his words? Did he really mean what he say? Vasilisa looks to him once more offering him a smile. “Have you even spoken with my father?” She questions him with a brow lifting gently; he smiles as he nods taking hold of her hands. He kissed the back of them. “Yes, he has granted me permission. But I want to hear your answer, it’s what I value most.” He responds to her, hearing this only made her smile grow even more. “Yes. Yes, Stefan. I shall marry you~” She expresses happily leaping upon him knocking him backwards into the garden to steal a kiss from the knight.

Frost hues flutter open as the raven haired queen looked upon the small child playing on the polished throne room floor. Using the back of her palm she rested her cheek; her heart ached gently watching her beloved son. What had happened to her knight? Why had he done such a thing to her? Why had he changed? He confessed he loved her. She had loved him. Why did he lie. The queen watched her son who mirrored her in appearance, intelligence and many other traits. Was there anything of the boy that mirrored his father? “When I think of the memories we shared long ago, there’s a part deep within me that wants you to know…. I will love thee for all eternity.” She sighs looking upon her child, her heart tightened gently closing her eyes for a brief moment. She felt a tug on her dress before glancing down to see the calm before the storm looking straight up at her. His tiny little head resting upon her lap as he gripped her dress. “Mama.” He whispers, Vasilisa smiles before scooping up into her arms, she nuzzled his face causing him to giggle. He clung to his mother like he always did. “Yes, my little prince?” She muses, he patted her cheeks before offering her a bright smile. “Are you happy mama?” “Oh, Mathias if I have you by my side I am always happy.” she exhales kissing his cheek; she adored her child most in this world. He was what she lived for.


Bodies intertwined, hips rocking deep within another causing waves of pain and pleasure into the once pure body of the brunette haired noblewoman. One body was cold to the touch; the once warmth that radiated from her flesh would slowly escape her body in the hours to come. Moans, gasps parted from her lips. Her nails gripped at his broad shoulders using them to cling with every thrust. Blood trickled from the wound he placed upon her neck and seeped into his lips. Her heartbeat quickened slightly; the blood in her veins pumped faster and grew hotter to a boil. “Ah… Ooh, ah….” She moans into the ear of the crimson haired vampire that was not only stealing her from her beloved Leon. But stealing her from the very world she lived for and adored so much. Sara buried her face into the other side of Walter’s neck as his fangs remain pierced into her flesh. Sara’s brows knitted together, she still wanted to wake up to find this all to be a terrible nightmare. A horrible and cruel nightmare. Leon. She wanted Leon more than ever. She, however did not want him to get hurt because of her though. ‘L-Leon. My beloved, Leon….’


The silver haired vampire chuckled through the man’s fumbling words as he sinks his fangs further into the other’s neck; he sucked upon the blood that poured into his mouth. Delicious, and powerful. He could taste the power within this man. And it was like a trigger; while this man wasn’t at all his type. He found himself becoming aroused through the feast alone; turning the man around he shoved him against the wall harshly. His one hand wanders down Xander’s waistline and gripped at his pants. He continued to feast upon the other with a hunger; sliding his hand forward he slips it into Xander’s pants finding the other’s shaft. Fingers twine around the member where he began to pump and fondle it gently.


Dark brown hues look upon the sleeping yet sick child in the small bed; the raven haired woman of voluptuous form stood at the doorway. With no money to gain the medicine she needed for her child; the woman could only wonder what she could do to save her daughter. The woman placed a hand to her chin trying to think of what she needed to do. Her daughter was close to death, but even her magic wasn’t strong enough to heal her offspring. Let alone the kind of magic needed. Pulling on her cloak she ventures out of the cottage in the forest; her gaze flicks about for a moment with uncertainty. With a small incantation she summoned forth an orb of dark light. “Lead me to the path I need to rescue Adeline.” She commands watching the orb disappear before reappearing a few feet away; she quickly follows after the orb with determination in her heart.
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CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CV: The Dark Crusades.    CV: The Dark Crusades.  - Page 7 EmptyFri Aug 25, 2017 11:36 pm

Leon frowned at his friend’s words. His Sword. One of the things he couldn’t keep. ”Mathias, my friend, I appreciate your endless amounts of assistance in my endeavour and I swear to God that I will make this up to you when Sara and I return to town. Though I am afraid I have to bear such bad news unto you. I have separated myself from the Church and their ways. The Church refused to let me safe Sara while I still bore my title of Baron and Knight. I’m afraid that I am but a simple commoner by class once more. I have no home, title, nor sword. Feliks had accompanied me in your stead, my friend, but I left him and his weapons behind to square off against a pack of wolfmen. I pray that my rescue of Sara can go with the smallest amount of bloodshed, then I can return later on alongside Feliks to destroy this Vampire after Sara and I have wed.” he said, as he continued on. Every moment without Sara already felt like a lifetime he was trudging along. He needed his beloved Sara, and whatever creature of immortality could wait until he had rescued her and ensured her safety. The castle was nearing. Up a few hills and bends. ‘Sara, my love… Just hold on. I swear I will save you.’ he thought to himself, eyeing the trees of this forest. The Forest of Eternal Night. Monsters were likely to be at any bend. Thankfully, it seemed that Feliks was dealing with those things while Leon continued. He was so blessed to have such loyal and honest friends.

Aaron’s next words were just about to graze his lips when the larger man’s fangs pierced the flesh on his collarbone. His blood may have been stilled in his veins, but perhaps, for once, there was someone who didn’t care about that fact. Or that he had grown too old when Seraph had once had these kinds of relations with him. Even to the slightly disgusted looks from Seraph’s brother, Cezarian. Perhaps that was what had changed Aaron the most. When he was still human and had impressed Seraph. And Seraph gave the boy Love and attention. What the young man had wanted. Even if his perception of Love had been turned askew over the years. Would this be turning to something similar? Why could he not see these kinds of things? Things that would relate to his happiness? He knew that a young Belmont would be his death, but he didn’t know which one or when. His power was only a gift to others. He would be attacked with visions, hazy and loud, that even as a vampire would knock him from his balance.

His thoughts once again were torn from him as a moan escaped his mouth as Bruno pierced his rear end with his hardened member. His back arching and hips working towards the larger man’s shaft, he gripped the tree under his right hand’s claws. It had been years since his body had been worked in such a way, and apparently, the Persian vampire desired as much as a newly turned vampire desires the blood of an innocent. His pelvis pushes against Bruno’s front end again as his left hand rose to the tree as well, scraping the bark under the claws. He may have been in a submissive position, but there was no reason that the young vampire couldn’t exert a bit of control on this ecstatic situation.

Aleksander let out a smile once more as they had eaten. He listened to her in relative silence, loving her ever more with every word that passed by her beautiful lips. He loved her deeply and desperately more and more each day. She had long been an inspiration to him. And even quicker even faster than his mind had managed to notice, his feelings for her went from admiration to adoration. He knew that never had he wanted anyone else, and he would never. And together, they would bring good health back to Mathias. Then things would go back to at least a slight amount of normalcy, especially when they could find a way to wake up Lady Vasilisa. With Miriam, the possibilities were endless. It mattered little now that after all his desperate attempts and work they had done, the Philosopher’s stone could not be created, perhaps if he had managed to figure out the alchemic formula when it mattered, both Mathias and Lady Elisabetha would still be alive and things would be bright again, instead of some heavy and dark cloud of dusk and night laying over the household.

He stood from his seat after he had enjoyed the meal she had made and walked to her, pulling her chair out and reaching out his hand to her, before gently leading her to her feet and to his room. ”I know it’s immoral and against God, But once more Miriam, please lay beside me and awake me in the morning with your sweet kisses, my true love.” he said gently leading her to the bed and pulling back the covers, ”Let me feel your body in my arms and fall asleep to your gentle warrior-heart’s beating” he finished, looking to her eagerly. He loved her. Everything about her. And he needed her now. To comfort and ease his restless mind.

A small smirk came to the mouth of the dark auburn haired ancient as he sat on the side of a bed in the now empty house. He had lured a young woman back to her home using his powerful charms, enhanced by his vampiric powers, while the young woman’s parents were gone. Together, Vampire and prey wrapped their bodies on top of the young woman’s virginal white sheets, his hunger-fueled arousal between the young woman’s legs. Until his fangs pierced the woman’s flesh at the tender curve of her pure neck, feeding himself on the plasma racing through her veins. He had just finished both his pleasure and dinner when he sensed another woman drawing nearer. A young witch, it seemed, with a younger little witchling left behind. He was never one to turn away a free meal, especially from one with magic like a witch. Of course, he did hope the young witch were as beautiful as her magic suggested.

Of course, he couldn’t meet another potential victim when he was already so dirtied with the blood of what had been a virgin before he got to her. He moved to clean the blood from himself and dressed again, the small smirk ever present on his lips. As usual, he made sure to hide his fangs and the smirk only dropped when he ensured that he managed a look of some sort of kindness or sympathy in his crimson eyes.
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